“You matter, and we want you to know how much you matter!” -Matt Cook and Matt West, founders of boom journal

Matt West and Matt Cook founded Boom Journal as a mobile app with proven and simple to use meditation exercises. With sustainability and abundance at the company's core, Matt West shares how users can stay mentally wealthy while consciously learning and giving to others.

 As Tony Robbins once said, "When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.” Matt West, the founder, and CEO of Boom Journal is all too familiar with this belief and has spent his life, living and giving this value to others.

"Just Be You. That's our mission at Boom Journal," shared Matt. The Beverly Hills-based mental wealth app is focused on precisely that. Their mobile collection of mindfulness tools offers users options to transform unhealthy minds into mental wealth.

But the brand stands for more than just keeping its user in an abundant mindset.

Through boom aims to increase individuals self-worth together Matt Cook and Matt West feel that it frequency overlooked. “You matter, and we want you to know how much you matter!”, Boom Journal is focused on ensuring mental wealth is at the company's core.

In honoring this lifestyle, Boom Journal encourages small, purposeful action daily towards what it is you want to become.

Forbes recently shared that, "Mental Well-Being: Now More Than Ever - Forbes," recognizing mental wealth is more important than ever.

In fact, ….

"In the upcoming months, I will look to partner with other brands that share our passion to help train the mind.

The partnerships will further exemplify we’re putting a focus on mental wealth, bringing their solutions in an effort to promote abundant mindsets and healthy bodies.

Through partnering with other industry leaders who share a passion for mental wealth, Boom Journal is at the forefront of crafting creative solutions for users looking to live life with faith and purpose.

There are plenty of other mindfulness apps out there, so you’re probably wondering why you should use Boom Journal. “How do I know the creators actually care?” you’re probably wondering. Well, Matt Cook and Matt West both have had their fair share of struggles in their lives. Boom Journal wasn’t made so the creators could just jump on the meditation apps bandwagon. The app is a result of everything these two have been through in their lives.

They have tried many different things, and they have found that mindfulness exercises are one of the best ways to create a healthy lifestyle where you can change all your unhealthy habits and thoughts to more healthy ones. 

When Matt West was struggling with accepting that he wasn’t going to be able to play in his high school’s soccer season because of his Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD), he found refuge in mindfulness. It was a secret that he wanted to share with others. He was aware that it would be unfair to keep something like this all to himself, that’s why he created Boom Journal. 

Matt West’s goal is to empower the youth so they can take over the reins of their lives and become the person they always wanted to become, but couldn’t because of unhealthy habits and thought patterns. 

Boom Journal has already garnered over 1 million followers on Instagram and it’s going to grow even more in 2021. Matt West and Matt Cook both wish to “destigmatize mental health by reframing the perception and shifting the focus to mental wealth with mindful journaling.” 

We’ve all been cooped up in our houses for the past year because of which meditation and mental wellness apps have become hugely popular all around the globe. This makes sense considering that mental illnesses have been on the rise because of COVID-19. With daily mindfulness journaling, you can figure out which habits are working for you and which aren’t. 

It’s important to have positive thinking patterns if we want to become more productive and happier, but without changing our habits, we’ll just keep falling back on the negative thinking patterns to carry us through our lives. Changing your habits can be quite difficult, but that’s why there are so many meditation apps on the market. These apps have helped people become a happier and healthier version of themselves and you can do that, too, with Boom Journal. 

Meditation and other related techniques can be quite difficult and overwhelming for many people, and Matt West and Matt Cook were well aware of that. That’s why they decided to keep Boom Journal simple and accessible. It doesn’t matter if you currently meditate or looking to build it as a new healthy habit, you can still take advantage of Boom Journal. 

How it works is very simple–you just answer some guided questions in the app and your answers are recorded. Daily activities are created using the technology of artificial intelligence and these activities are fully personalized according to your needs. The app has an “emotional well-being tracker”.

Matt West and Matt Cook are both passionate about mental wealth and helping people achieve an abundant mindset. In fact, Matt West has two masters in psychology and he created Boom Journal with the sole purpose of helping people develop the habit of mindfulness and an abundant mindset so they can feel empowered and make the right decisions in their lives. 

According to Matt West, some of the early users of the apps have been entrepreneurs, athletes, and creatives from different industries. It’s evident that it’s not just millennials who are stressed out because of the pandemic. Everyone’s using a meditation app to stay mentally and emotionally well during these very unprecedented times.

“Capturing and saving our bright life updates on our smartphones is a much simpler and more interactive experience. We’ve been sending capturing and saving via Instagram for a while now, so now we get to keep a record of our feelings and activities,” says Matt West. Boom Journal was created as an alternative to meditation and you only have to listen to Matt West talk to see how passionate he is about this project.

He says, “My passion for understanding what drives people to take action stemmed from high school, bridging the connection to discovering ways to help others.” Matt West and Matt Cook didn’t create Boom Journal because of the recent, excuse the pun, boom in mental wellness apps, but because of their desire to help other people. 

“I also understood that there were other people that have been through stressful life events who needed an easy and healthy way to cope with stress. This was the birth of Boom Journal – empowering people to discover who they are, train the mind so that way they could master their emotions,” said Matt West. 

These two are just like any other person. They’ve experienced burnout because of stress. They have been in the throes of depression and just like any other person, they were confused and didn’t know how to deal with their problems. That is until Matt West discovered the world of mindfulness. In a way, Boom Journal is the result of Matt West and Matt Cook’s self-discovery experiences. 

They also made sure that people feel safe while using the app. Users have full privacy because of “strict encryption standards”. There wouldn’t be any point in using a meditation app if you were constantly worried about your privacy, right? 

All in all, it’s clear that Boom Journal is only going to become more popular with time. Its creators, Matt West and Matt Cook, are passionate about the project and they care about you, the user, more than anything else. They’ve been through the things most of us go through and they know just how difficult it can be to practice mindfulness because of how overwhelming it is. 

Boom Journal is simple, accessible, and effective. Using AI technology, your daily activities will be customized according to your needs. It’s almost like practicing mindfulness journaling with your best friend! 


5 Simple Mindfulness Exercises


Boom Journal Wants to Be the Nike of the Mind